Sunday, November 16, 2014

A little more art

Last week in sculpture we had a metal-and-found-object project on the theme of "humans and nature."  I went for the idea of trying to portray how Bucks County has changed over the years, in three phases:  the wilderness, the farms and the big fat suburban houses.

Obviously it suffers from scaling problems.  A much larger base would have helped, also allowing the three phases to be clearly separated.

It turned out to be very mixed-media, including plywood, terracotta, polyester felt, sandpaper, two kinds of wood veneer, aluminum wire and sheet, metal primer, acrylic paint, plants from my garden, some ceramic figurines and an old MicroMachine from the '80s or early '90s (whenever I was still collecting those little things).

For 3D Design Fundamentals the week before, we had to turn in a fruit made completely from wire, and a clay prototype and sketches.  I used a chilli pepper for no better reason than that I had one in the freezer.  I'll admit that I did cheat at just one spot:  The three main wire frame pieces are silver soldered to a little bit of copper sheet which represents where the chilli's pointed tip snapped off.